class ssgBranch - A basic branch node.

The basic ssgBranch node simply handles a node in the tree, with zero or more child nodes which can be any kind of ssgEntity except ssgRoot.

There are a rich set of functions for adding, deleting and replacing child nodes:

class ssgBranch : public ssgEntity
  int        getNumKids    (void) ;
  ssgEntity *getKid        ( int n ) ;
  ssgEntity *getNextKid    (void) ;
  int        searchForKid  ( ssgEntity *entity ) ;
  void       addKid        ( ssgEntity *entity ) ;
  void       removeKid     ( int n ) ;
  void       removeKid     ( ssgEntity *entity ) ;
  void       removeAllKids (void) ;
  void       replaceKid    ( ssgEntity *old_entity, ssgEntity *new_entity ) ;
} ;

Most of these are pretty self-explanatory. ssgBranch::getNumKids() returns the number of child nodes beneath this branch. ssgBranch::getKid(n) returns the address of the n'th child ssgEntity. ssgBranch::getNextKid() returns the address of the child entity following the last one returned by getKid or getNextKid - returning NULL when all child nodes have been exhausted. ssgBranch::searchForKid(entity) searches for the specified entity in the list of child nodes and returns it's index (ie the inverse of getKid). ssgBranch::addKid(entity) adds the specified entity to the list of child nodes - the new node is added at the end of the list and will therefore have the highest numbered index. ssgBranch::removeKid(n) removes the n'th child node and renumbers any higher numbered children so there are never any gaps in the number range. ssgBranch::removeKid(entity) same as removeKid(searchForKid(entity)). ssgBranch::removeAllKids() remove ALL child entities. ssgBranch::replaceKid(old, new) replaces old with new. If the entity removed by any of these commands has a ref count of zero, it will be deleted.

class ssgInvisible - Invisible parts of a Scene Graph.

It's sometimes useful to have sections of the scene graph that are never rendered to the screen. These are frequently used for collision detection and other non-graphical operations.

class ssgRoot - The Root of the Scene Graph,

The node at the root of the scene graph is special. At present, it resembles an ssgBranch externally.

class ssgRoot : public ssgBranch
} ;

class ssgTweenController - A morph controller,

This is essentially identical to an ssgBranch - but adds API to set the current 'bank' settings of all ssgTween leaf nodes beneath it.

An ssgTween is a leaf node that can hold multiple geometric representations that it smoothly interpolates between.

  ssgTweenController::selectBank ( float b ) ;
  float ssgTweenController::getCurrBank () ;

This allows you to set which of the banks of it's daughter ssgTweens will be rendered. That's a "float" quantity - so if you selectBank(2.4) then the ssgTweens will render their vertices in a position (colour, etc) that's 40% of the way between the bank 2 and bank 3.

You can also set the behaviour when the selected bank number is larger than the number of banks in the model. This tends to happen when you simply add some amount of to the bank selector each frame in order to keep the animation running forever:

  ssgTweenController::setMode ( int mode ) ;

'mode' can either be SSGTWEEN_STOP_AT_END or SSGTWEEN_REPEAT. The default is STOP_AT_END - where anytime the bank selector is larger than the actual number of banks in the ssgTween node, it is clamped to the largest possible number. If you choose REPEAT, then the bank number will be taken modulo the number of banks.

class ssgSelector - A switch point,

Most ssgBranch nodes represent a collection of objects that are all present in the scene at the same time. ssgSelector nodes (and derived classes) typically represent a single object that can be represented in more than one way.

A selector contains up to 32 daughter objects and a 32 bit unsigned integer mask. Where there is a one bit in the mask, that child object will be drawn, where there is a zero, it will not.

ssgSelector::select(mask) sets the mask, ssgSelector::getSelect() returns the current state of the mask, ssgSelector::selectStep(n) sets the n'th mask bit and zeroes out all the others - effectively causing only the n'th child object to be displayed.

It is quite common to have an ssgSelector with just one child object that can be enabled with select(1) and disabled with select(0).

class ssgTimedSelector - An animation node,

This is a selector in which the selection is made as a function of the amount of time elapsed.

SSG will draw each of the child objects in turn for some amount of time before going onto the next node in the sequence. You set the time for each child using:

   ssgTimedSelector::setDuration ( float time, int which_child ) ;

...or you can set the same time for each of the child nodes using:

   ssgTimedSelector::setDuration ( float time ) ;

(At present, times are measured in SSG update cycles - ultimately, there will be an option to set the times in seconds - but until I have a reasonably accurate portable timer library, I can't easily implement this).

The animation doesn't have to start at the first child node and end at the last. It is sometimes useful to be able to replay just a subset of them.

   ssgTimedSelector::setLimits ( int start_child, int end_child ) ;

You can also choose between a number of animation algorithms:

   ssgTimedSelector::setMode ( ssgAnimDirection mode ) ;

     Where mode is one of:


When all this preparation is done, the application must control the animation:

    ssgTimedSelector::control ( ssgAnimEnum cntrl ) ;

    Where 'cntrl' is one of:


These controls work just like you'd expect. Start, Stop, Pause, Resume. SSG_ANIM_START resets the animation to the 'start' child and lets it rip. SSG_ANIM_STOP causes it to stop wherever it is and continue to display that child node indefinitely. SSG_ANIM_PAUSE pauses the animation wherever it is right now and SSG_ANIM_RESUME allows it to continue from whatever point it was paused.

When the animation is in SSG_ANIM_STOP mode, you can use this node just like a normal ssgSelector node using the ssgSelector API.

If you need to know which child object is currently being displayed, you cannot call ssgSelector::getSelect() because SSG computes the animation step only if the node is actually on-screen. Instead call ssgTimedSelector::getStep() which returns the currently selected child node.

class ssgRangeSelector - A level of detail node,

This is a selector in which the selection is made automatically based on the range to the object. This is principally used to allow you to save time by drawing simpler versions of objects at long ranges and more complex ones close up.

Since an ssgRangeSelector is a kind of ssgSelector, you can find out which version of the object was most recently drawn using getSelect(). However, if the object was not drawn recently, that may not be a very useful thing to know. Mostly, it's useful in the post-cull callback.

You set the ranges at which each daughter object will be drawn by passing an array of lengths to ssgRangeSelector::setRanges(float *ranges,int nranges). The first parameter is an array of ranges and the second is the number of elements in that array. Note that element N of the array is the range beyond which child object N will be drawn. The array should contain one more range than there are child objects - and beyond the last range, nothing will be drawn. setRanges takes a copy of your array so you can delete it after the call. If nranges is less than the number required, the remaining ranges will be set to infinity. You can query the current range array with float getRange(int n) which returns the n'th range in the array.

In some cases, you'd like to build several complete versions of an object such that just one of those versions will be drawn - and that is the default behaviour. In other cases, you'd like some basic object to be rendered at long range and for additional parts to be added to it at shorter ranges. This is called 'additive' mode and it is set using setAdditive(int additive) and queried with isAdditive().

class ssgBaseTransform - Nodes with transformations.

It is common to wish to move objects around in the scene, scale and rotate them, move their texture maps, etc. All of these operations entail manipulating a matrix associated with the branch node and the ssgBaseTransform contains the functionality to store and manipulate that matrix. Applications use one of the derived classes of ssgBaseTransform to actually do something with that matrix.

class ssgBaseTransform : ssgBranch
  void getTransform ( sgMat4 xform ) ;
  virtual void setTransform ( sgVec3 xyz ) ;
  virtual void setTransform ( sgCoord *xform ) ;
  virtual void setTransform ( sgCoord *xform, float sx, float sy, float sz ) ;
  virtual void setTransform ( sgMat4 xform ) ;
} ;

You can set up the transformation matrix using ssgBaseTransform::setTransform() which has versions that allow you to pass either a full-blown 4x4 matrix, a simple translation, an 'sgCoord' (which is an xyz translation and a hpr rotation) or an sgCoord and scale factors in each of X, Y and Z directions.

ssgBaseTransform::getTransform(matrix) copies the current transform into the matrix that you provide.

class ssgTransform - Nodes with spatial transformations.

An ssgTransform is derived from ssgBaseTransform and uses the base classes' transform to transform all the spatial vertices and normals of it's child nodes. This is done by applying the current transform to the GL_MODELVIEW stack each frame.

class ssgTexTrans - Nodes with moving texture

ssgTexTrans nodes are just like ssgTransform nodes except that the resulting matrix is applied to the GL_TEXTURE stack rather than the modelview stack. Hence, altering the transform moves the texture map(s) on the descendent leaf nodes.

class ssgCutout - turn-to-face-the-viewer nodes.

Cutout nodes will normally contain only leaf nodes that are modelled with polygons in the X/Z plane. The ssgCutout will rotate those polygons such that they turn to continually face the viewer.

There are actually two distinct forms of ssgCutout - depending on what value is passed as a parameter to the constructor function. ssgCutout(TRUE) produces an object that rotates around it's origin such as to keep the X/Z plane parallel to the screen and ssgCutout(FALSE) produces one that tries to stay parallel to the screen - but which is only allowed to rotate about the Z axis. The latter form is useful for objects with cylindrical symmetry and the former for those with spherical symmetry.

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Steve J. Baker. <>